6:8 Ranch
“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 ESV
WARNING - Under Alabama Law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury or death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to the Equine Activities Liability Protection Act.
Our Services
Riding Opportunities
6:8 Ranch incorporates principles of Equine Therapy to foster a safe environment for those suffering from emotional and mental health challenges.
Learn More
Educating to establish a supportive community to those that have served and their families.
Allowing the community to serve those that have served.
Providing a supportive environment allowing Military, First Responders, and their families dealing with emotional and mental health challenges with the assistance of equine companionship and empowerment.
Upcoming events
Grand Opening
Join us as we celebrate the official Grand Opening of 6:8!
In the Saddle Saturday's
Every Saturday, 6:8 Ranch offers riding opportunities, learning oppurtunties, and more. Be sure to RSVP and join us in the saddle.
Make a donation.
The mission of 6:8 Ranch is to provide a supportive environment allowing Military, First Responders, and their families dealing with emotional and mental health challenges with the assistance of equine companionship and empowerment. 6:8 Ranch is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.